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Shopping | Shopping (continued)
- Other Tubes
- GE 1L6 heptode
- GE 6AN8 / 6AN8A - gray plates, halo getter
- GE 6C4 - gray plate
- GE 6C4 - matched pairs
- 6E5 magic eye tube - various brands
- GE 6EU7 - gray plates, halo getter
- GE 6T9 - triode-pentode
- GE JAN 5670 / 2C51 - black plates
- GE JAN 5670 / 2C51 - black plates, matched pair
- 1629 / VT-138 - magic eye tube, various labels
- Mullard 6EU7 - matched pair
- Mullard 6GW8 / ECL86 - various labels
- Mullard CV2748 / GZ30 / 5Z4GT
- Mullard CV2748 / GZ30 / 5Z4GT - matched pair
- Mullard ECC189 - A frame, dimpled disc getter
- National Union 56 triode - matched pair
- Raytheon 6EU7 - matched pair
- Raytheon 6EU7 - gray plates, halo getter
- RCA 12X4 - black plates, halo getter
- RCA 6AN8 / 6AN8A - gray plates, disc getter
- RCA 6SJ7 - metal bottle
- RCA 83 mercury vapor rectifier tube - "Hickok grade"
- Russian 6E1P / 6BR5 / EM80 - magic eye tube
- Silvertone 30 / 230 triode - matched pair
- Silvertone 6J5GT/G - black plate, triple mica
- Sovtek 6H30Pi-EB
- Sovtek 6H30Pi-EB - matched pair
- Sylvania 56 triode - matched pair
- Sylvania 6J5GT/G - black plate, metal collar base
- Telefunken EM84 / 6FG6 - magic eye tube
- Visseaux 6K6GT - black plates
- Visseaux 6K6GT - matched pair
- Westinghouse 12X4 - black plates, D getter
- Popular Tubes
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TC Tubes specializes in precision testing and matching of vintage and new production vacuum tubes for guitar & bass players, audiophiles, and DIY tube audio enthusiasts. Our website features secure payment options and fast, convenient shipping around the world.